Wednesday 27 August 2014


Kahwin muda ? mak bapak beri kebenaran ke? antara topik hangat di kalangan remaja terutamanya yang sedang bercinta di luar sana tu. kahwin semasa muda sebenarnya adalah bagus tetapi mungkin ada yang tak setuju, Betul tak? ianya bergantunglah kepada induvidu terbabit dan juga keluarga mereka. Di sini terdapat beberapa sebab mengapa perlu kahwin muda?

Tuntutan Agama..

Berkahwin muda amatlah digalakkan di dalam agama islam. Kalau dah cukup syaratnya adalah amatlah disarankan berkahwin segera. Ianya adalah merupakan suatu ibadah dan diberikan pahala oleh Allah dengan niat yang ikhlas.

Menghindari zina..

Jika kita lihat tanggapan masyarakat sekarang yang beranggapan bahawa sudah berkerjaya dan mempunyai pekerjaan dan harta.. pendapat ni bukan boleh pakai sangat yang penting adalah perlu pandai menjaga diri dan bersedia untuk memikul tannggungjawab keluarga. Nilailah iman kita dan fikirkanlah sebaiknya kuat sangat ke nak tahan, sampai tua baru nak kahwin..


Dahulu anda tak begitu serius. Sekarang mesti dah serius. Maklumlah dah perlu pikul tanggungjawab dan anda rasa akan lebih bermotivasi dan melakukan sesuatu untuk keluarga dengan lebih prihatin contohnya belajar dan bekerja.


Betul ke? Ini bergantunglah kepada kurniaan Allah. Rata-rata pasangan yang saya jumpa berkahwin muda Mereka dilihat lebih tenang. Kebanyakkannya mendapat keputusan peperiksaan yang lebih baik dari sebelum mereka berkahwin semasa belajar. Tentu jiwa mereka lebih tenang sekarang.

Lebih Matang..

Ye lebih matang apa yang saya lihat setelah seseorang itu berkahwin perwatakannya akan berubah ke arah yang lebih baik. Jika dahulu selalu menghabiskan waktu di luar sekarang sudah tentu bersama keuarganya dan cara pemikiran juga boleh berubah.

Perbaiki Diri..

Kalau dulu mungkin malas nak berjemaah tetapi kini mendirikan solat berjemaah bersama orang rumah apabila berkesempatan. Sifat-sifat juga akan cuba dikikis sedikit demi sedikit demi keluarga tersayang. Si isteri pula tentu akan menjadi rajin untuk kedapur menyiapkan santapan.


Kalau kahwin awal insyaallah anak-anak akan dewasa dengan cepat sebelum kita mencapai usia emas. Jika dipanjangkan umur Sudah tentulah kita akan dapat berehat pada usia tua kerana pada waktu itu kebanyakan dari anak-anak kita telah bekerja.


Kahwin muda pastilah lebih baik kerana ketika usia kita masih muda tentulah tenaga kita lebih kuat dan dapat memberi kepuasan kepada si isteri dengan lebih baik. Tahap kesuburan wanita pula adalah lebih baik di usia muda dan lebih mudah untuk menimang cahaya mata.

Murah Rezeki..

Biasanya masalah atau alasan yang utama ialah kewangan. Macam-macam yang melanda pemikiran kita tetapi yakinlah dan berpegang teguhlah kepadanya kerana pasti kesulitan itu akan dapat ditempuhi kerana Allah tidak akan menzalimi hamba-hambanya dan pasti rezeki akan dimurahkan.

Pasti anda tertanya-tanya boleh ke kahwin awal. Apa-apa pun jawapannya terletak di bahu anda sendiri. Adakah anda sanggup untuk memikul tanggungjawab? Adakah anda sanggup untuk berubah. Jika keputusan anda adalah ‘ya’ berbincanglah dengan pihak keluarga kerana ianya sebenarnya membawa banyak kebaikan..

My Family,My Soul

Assalamualaikum guys..entri pada hari ni saya nk cerita kn pasal background family..ayah sya bekerja sebagai peniaga pasar malam..mak pulak suri rumah sambil sambil tolong abah sedia barang untuk berniaga.mesti korang nak tau kn pasal adik beradik saya kn? Adik beradik saya ada lapan orang.Korang jgn la nk terkejut pulak ape yang saya nk cerita ni ye..anak lelaki dalam keluarga Hj.Alias ni cuma sorang je..nme dia biar la rahsia.anak perempuan pulak ada tujuh orang total nye 8 la kn?pandai kira ..sbb saya dah gtau td kn..kakak yang sulung nama dia Zulinda umur 39 ,kerja dia suri rumah.Dia ni memang superb masak.Kalau sape yang rasa apa yang dia masak mesti korang x tido mlam la bila di ingat kn..kite move on pulak kt kakak saya yang no 2..nme Zulianis umo 37 bekerja sebagai guru di Kedah masa saya darjah 6 dia ambil saya dan duduk kt sana selama 6 tahun..selama 6 tahun tu la saya belajar macam macam..angah saya ni tegas ngn adik beradik tp hati dia baik sgt sebab dia la menjaga,mendidik dari saya darjah 6 sampai la tingkatan 5.

Zuliana nama diberi merupakan akak saya yang ketiga dan bekerja sebagai kerani .Dia ni memang suka melayan perangai adik adik especially  bila nak shopping dia la orang first nk temankn .My sister yang keempat her name is Zuliyanti ada dua org ank dia bekerja beautician.Bab bab nk muka licin ke,badan slim melim ke sume dia blh kasi settle bak kata org dia mmg pro laa..Nuzul Fitrah sisterku yang paling bagus sebab dia ni nk mewarisi perniagaan keluarga dia ni suka sgt berniaga.Dia la seorang kakak yang tolong mak abah berniaga.Last but not least,adik kesayangan saya yang berumur 15 tahun bersekolah di Kedah.Cita cita dia ni besar..dia nk jadi pendakwah bebas kt Malaysia ni..sbb tu la dia ambik aliran agama.Kt bawah ni ada gambar raya baru baru ni.

Bagi saya keluarga adalah segala-galanya,ikatan sebuah keluarga ni x boleh dijual beli.Let me show to all of you my siblings.

Dalam gambar kakak no 3 x ada sebab dia beraya sebelah suami di Terengganu.Sorry guys x ada gambar..
So,thats all from me,Jika ada umur yang panjang saya akn update lg next post yang lebih menarik.~Daaaa~MMMUUah

Sunday 24 August 2014

Advantage and disadvantage of Firewall..

What a Firewall can do 

  •  Implement security policies at a single point 
  •  Monitor security-related events (audit, log)
  •  Provide strong authentication for access control purpose 

What a Firewall cannot do

1.Protect against attacks that bypass the firewall 

  • Dial-out from internal host to an ISP

2.Protect against internal threats 
  • disgruntled employee 
  •  Insider cooperates with an external attacker
3.Protect against the transfer of virus infected programs or files

Saturday 23 August 2014

How Firewall Works?

A firewall is a software program or piece of hardware that helps screen out hackers,viruses,and worms that try to reach your computer over the Internet.If you cannot start Windows Firewall or you are getting an error.

Firewall Diagram

  • If you use a computer at home, the most effective and important first step you can take to help protect your computer is to turn on a firewall.
  • Windows 8,Windows 7,Windows Vista and Windows XP SP 2 or higher have a firewall built-in and turned on by default.
  • If you have more than one computer connected in home or if you have small office network.It is important to protect every computer.You should have a hardware firewall such as router to protect your network but you should also use a software firewall on each computer to help prevent the spread of a virus in your network if one of the computer become infected.

  • If your computer is part of a business ,school, or other organizational network,you should follow the policy established by network administrator.

What is Firewall??

For this post I would like to write abut the security and control which is firewall.You probably know that you need firewall security.In fact, you may even already have a firewall management program in place. But what exactly is firewall security, and what does firewall management entail?
The word firewall originally referred literally to a wall, which was constructed to halt the spread of a fire. In the world of computer firewall protection, a firewall refers to a network device which blocks certain kinds of network traffic, forming a barrier between a trusted and an untrusted network. It is analogous to a physical firewall in the sense that firewall security attempts to block the spread of computer attacks.
How Does Firewall Management Work?
A firewall management program can be configured one of two basic ways:

  1. A default-deny policy. The firewall administrator lists the allowed network services, and everything else is denied.
  2. A default-allow policy. The firewall administrator lists network services which are not allowed, and everything else is accepted.

A default-deny approach to firewall security is by far the more secure, but due to the difficulty in configuring and managing a network in that fashion, many networks instead use the default-allow approach. Let's assume for the moment that your firewall management program utilizes a default-deny policy, and you only have certain services enabled that you want people to be able to use from the Internet. For example, you have a web server which you want the general public to be able to access. What happens next depends on what kind of firewall security you have.

Introduction To HTTP Basic

holaaa,we meet again right? before we go further let me share about the basic for Hypertext Transfer Protocol.In the diagram above,the Internet is a massive distributed client or server information system.

Many applications are running concurrently over the Web, such as web browsing/surfing, e-mail, file transfer, audio & video streaming, and so on.  In order for proper communication to take place between the client and the server, these applications must agree on a specific application-level protocol such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP, and etc.

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is perhaps the most popular application protocol used in the Internet (or The WEB).
  • HTTP is an asymmetric request-response client-server protocol as illustrated.  An HTTP client sends a request message to an HTTP server.  The server, in turn, returns a response message.  In other words, HTTP is a pull protocol, the client pulls information from the server (instead of server pushes information down to the client).
  • HTTP is a stateless protocol. In other words, the current request does not know what has been done in the previous requests.
  • HTTP permits negotiating of data type and representation, so as to allow systems to be built independently of the data being transferred.
  • Quoting from the RFC2616: "The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. It is a generic, stateless, protocol which can be used for many tasks beyond its use for hypertext, such as name servers and distributed object management systems, through extension of its request methods, error codes and headers."


Whenever you issue a URL from your browser to get a web resource using HTTP, e.g., the browser turns the URL into a request message and sends it to the HTTP server. The HTTP server interprets the request message, and returns you an appropriate response message, which is either the resource you requested or an error message. This process is illustrated below:

What are the benefit for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol?

Asssalamualaikum everyone,today for this post I want to tell you about the benefit for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and the easier name is HTTP. Many people ask me what we get when we use the HTTP? So the answer is when we using the Internet and local intranet network without it transmitting between networks would be slower and complicated.With hypertext transfer protocol communicates with server on the Internet or on local network.It sends a request to the server and the server send the respond back,then shut down the connection.Using 'http' when working with data tells the receiving computer whether a file is a data file or photograph or an audio file.It greatly enhance ease of use for the overall experience.Do you know the differences between the HTTP vs HTTPS? You might notice that some site have 'https' in their address as opposed to 'http'.These are 'HTTP Secure' sites,and the data they are using such as credit card data is being encrypted for the protection of all parties.Beside that,the biggest benefit for using HTTP is that "stateless".This means that when an "http" request is sent to server,that server does not retain a history when the requsest is completed.Now, I'm make sure that all of you understand about this topic and next time I will share more and more the information.Bye....

At the heart of web communications is the request message, which are sent via Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). I'm sure you are already familiar with URLs, but for completeness sake, I'll include it here. URLs have a simple structure that consists of the following components:
The protocol is typically 'http', but it can also be 'https' for secure communications. The default port is 80, but one can be set explicitly, as illustrated in the above image. The resource path is the local path to the resource on the server.